Reminder that the Basketball Homecoming formal has been cancelled at this time.
over 3 years ago, Terri Houtz
bb hc dance cancelled at this time
HPL broadcast
over 3 years ago, Terri Houtz
HPL broadcast
HPL week update
over 3 years ago, Terri Houtz
HPL week
Parents, The HPL basketball tournament will be going on all week. Many of the times and dates will be determined at a later date. We will keep you posted about that throughout the week. The mask rules and ticket limits will be in place throughout the tournament. The tournament will start out in Johnson on Monday and finish in Syracuse on Saturday. If you have any questions please feel free to contact me if you have any questions. Live links for games HPL Tournament: KIUL Facebook Thank you, Jhon Haehn Athletic Director Elkhart High School
over 3 years ago, Terri Houtz
High Plains Educational Cooperative is looking for a caring individual that enjoys working with youths in a fun environment at Elkhart High School. Application can be picked up at the district office or contact Karen Jones @ EHS 620.697.2193. USD 218 and High Plains are an equal opportunity employer.
over 3 years ago, Terri Houtz
Late start tomorrow - 10:00AM 4 year old All Day preschool report at 10:00 am No AM - Half day pre-school
over 3 years ago, Terri Houtz
Late start tomorrow - 10:00AM 4 year old All Day preschool report at 10:00 am No AM - Half day pre-school
over 3 years ago, Terri Houtz
No EES CATS tonight due to the weather, parents please pick students up at regular dismissal time.
over 3 years ago, Adam McDaniel
No HS Basketball Practice tonight after school.
over 3 years ago, Cindy McCabe
Basketball games with Goodwell tonight have been postponed until Saturday Dec. 19th. JV Girls & Boys will play @ 2:00 Varsity Girls @ 3:30 & Varsity Boys @ 5:15.
over 3 years ago, Cindy McCabe
################# ************************ UPDATE AGAIN DUE TO INCOMING WEATHER ************************ ################## SATURDAY Dec 12, 2020 BASKETBALL @ Syracuse County Wars Varsity Girls 4:30CST Varsity Boys 6:15 CST Varsity Games LIVE on the KIUL Facebook page. --------------------- JV Boys 4:30 CST JV Girls 6:15 CST JV games LIVE on the EHS Facebook page (if internet will allow)
over 3 years ago, Terri Houtz
Calling all of the EES Community.... We will be celebrating the end of the 1st Semester with a make-up to our postponed Christmas Concert on 12-18-20.... We are going to do it a little differently. We will be doing it during the school day in our school gym and will be streaming it on our Facebook Page, we will go Facebook Live at that time.... This will be our first time doing something like this so please be patient! We will also record it, in case of technical difficulties so that we can post a recording! Here are the performance times that day! 4 Year Old PreK-12:20 4th Grade-12:30 3rd Grade-12:45 2nd Grade-1:00 K-1-1:15 Please have your student dress in the Grinchmas day outfit if possible! If you have questions, please let us know! Mr. McDaniel
over 3 years ago, Adam McDaniel
2021-2022---3 and 4 Year Old Preschool Pre-Enrollment is now taking place! Please contact the elementary school office if you need a packet. We would like your pre-enrollment information back to the office by 1-15-21! If you have questions please contact the office and we will get you in touch with the correct person. (620) 697-2133
over 3 years ago, Adam McDaniel
Be looking for the Final Exam letter in the mail. They went out today.
over 3 years ago, Cindy McCabe
Final Exam Policy
NEW YouTube Channels for Sports USD218 Athletics New Gym USD218 Athletics Old Gym (not connected yet)
over 3 years ago, Terri Houtz
EHS Covid Update Nov 30 2020
almost 4 years ago, Terri Houtz
EHS Covid Update Nov 30 2020
EES Parents here is the schedule for the week of 11-23 with a couple of notes: 1) Character Education will not change for the week. If you cannot make a session, please notify Mrs. Watson. 2) On 11-24, if your grade level is doing something different for the afternoon session your teacher will notify you. 3) Don't forget to turn in your PE logs. 4) Barring COVID catastrophe over Thanksgiving Break, we will be in regular school starting 11-30-20! Mr. McDaniel
almost 4 years ago, Adam McDaniel
The 12-3-20 EES Winter Music Concert has been postponed. Makeup date is TBD. Mr. McDaniel
almost 4 years ago, Adam McDaniel
EES students, staff, and parents here is the online schedule for the week of 11-16-20. You will notice the change to Friday that we discussed in our parent zoom meeting last week.
almost 4 years ago, Adam McDaniel
EES Schedule
PreK-8 Parents we will be in Remote Learning until November 30th. We be assessing our situation up until then, and will notify you if the situation changes. Otherwise, please plan to be back in person on 11-30-20.
almost 4 years ago, Adam McDaniel