The Board of Education, with guidance from administration and county health officials, have made the following changes to the mask requirement for all USD 218 students and Staff. With our county infection numbers decreasing significantly and after consulting county health officials, effective Thursday, April 1, 2021, the wearing of masks in all USD 218 buildings is optional for all students and staff. Those who prefer to wear a mask are welcome to and those who do not, are no longer required to. Safety protocols to help stop the spread on COVID-19 such as social distancing, washing your hands, cleaning and disinfecting surfaces, and daily temperature checks will remain in effect. This change in the mask mandate is only effective for USD 218 buildings and does not override or supersede any state or county law, Hi-Plains League rules, or KSHSAA requirements. The USD 218 Board of Education reserves the right to return to “required” mask status at any time, if infection numbers begin to rise.  Have a Safe and Happy April Break! Rex Richardson
over 3 years ago, Terri Houtz
Face mask recommended but not required
Funeral services for Mr. Koonce will be Tuesday, March 30th - 2:00 PM - Elkhart Civic Center. USD 218 will dismiss at 12:30 Pre-K - 12. Lunch will be served. Our condolences to the Koonce family. We are thankful for our great memories. He will be GREATLY missed.
over 3 years ago, Terri Houtz
Mr. Koonce
HPL Basketball Honors: Maycee - 2nd Team, Jenni- Honorable Mention, Chevelle- MVP & 1st Team, Carrie- 1st Team, Kamry- Honorable Mention, Clayton- 2nd Team. Congratulations Wildcats!!
over 3 years ago, Cindy McCabe
LAST CHANCE... I had a couple reach out that forgot to get their orders in. We are allowed to reopen the store for at least 3 days. The store will be reopened until Thursday at midnight. Can you repost this link and let the post read, "The X-Grain Elkhart Baseball Team Store will be reopened until Thursday only. The items are the same but this will be a separate order and items ordered will be shipped separately. We've had a couple people reach out about ordering items so this is for anyone who was late getting their order in. All items will be shipped to Coach Aranda and he will get them to everyone. $5 from each item sold will go to the baseball team. Thank you for your continued support!" or CLICK HERE to Begin Ordering
over 3 years ago, Terri Houtz
Wildcat Baseball Fundraiser 2021
Parents, Just wanted to update everyone on events for this week. We will not start games/meets until next week, the softball game that was scheduled for 03/26/21, against Clayton, has been cancelled. This was due to covid restrictions in New Mexico, we replaced that game later in the season against another opponent. For this week we will have the ice cream social but the date has changed from Monday the 22nd, to Thursday the 25th. This will be hosted at the baseball field and starts at 6:00. Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns. Thank you, Jhon Haehn Athletic Director Elkhart High School
over 3 years ago, Terri Houtz
over 3 years ago, Terri Houtz
Support the EHS baseball team.
On Thursday, March 11 the students at USD 218 had the privilege to hear Joe Coles. Mr. Coles spent the day talking to all of the students on multiple issues such as bullying and believing in themselves. Several students from grades 8-12 also attended a workshop that day with Mr. Coles and worked on their leadership skills. A couple of items the students will be working on is more interaction with the students in all buildings and better communication with their teachers. Great things are coming from our Wildcats and we are looking forward to seeing some of their ideas generated from the leadership group put in action. Thank you Mr. Coles for your time and dedication to our students. Mr. Cole was an amazing speaker! Within the time I got to spend with him today he changed my outlook on a lot of things. I went from being nervous to stand and say anything in front of others to warming up to speaking in front of our group and feeling great within just today. I learned so many new leadership skills that I never thought I would need. I am so grateful that Mr. Cole came to EHS. I am beyond changed. -Eden Akers “Today I learned how too speak more confidently and became more comfortable talking in front of others. and how to make a better first impression on people through non-verbal actions. - Holly Hollingsworth I learned to be a neutral thinker-Nathan Knelson
over 3 years ago, Terri Houtz
Leadership with Joe Coles
BOE approved calendar for 2021-2022
over 3 years ago, Terri Houtz
BOE approved calendar for 2021-2022
A reminder for parents, don't forget to call the high school office by 10:00 Friday and give your names for the basketball game @ Lakin. Each player is allowed 4 spectators.
over 3 years ago, Cindy McCabe
Attention! Calendar change. The Basketball game @ Meade scheduled for Tuesday the 23rd has been moved to Monday the 22nd. Also, the NHS & Key Club Induction on the 22nd has been moved to 7:00 on Tuesday the 23rd.
over 3 years ago, Cindy McCabe
Game times for Basketball in Turpin tomorrow are as follows. JV Girls @ 4:00, JV Boys @ 5:00, Varsity Girls @ 6:30 & Varsity Boys @ 8:00
over 3 years ago, Cindy McCabe
Any Parent that did not get their tickets for the Boys JV Jamboree game tonight, please come to the high school office to pick them up. Game time is @ 2:00
over 3 years ago, Cindy McCabe
Parent Teacher Conferences Monday and Thursday. Please refer to the attached sheet. If you have any questions please call the high school 697-2193
over 3 years ago, Cindy McCabe
Senior Parents be looking for this in the mail next week.
over 3 years ago, Cindy McCabe
Update There was a typo on the activity report. Girls varsity will play at 6:30 pm on Tuesday and Friday. Game time for Rolla on Thursday is 6:00 p, (GIRLS VARSITY ONLY)
over 3 years ago, Terri Houtz
Reminder Call office by noon Tuesday to be put on the pass list for Johnson games. There will be a charge at the gate.
over 3 years ago, Terri Houtz
Weekly update
over 3 years ago, Terri Houtz
Week update
Congratulations Ryan and Shannon.
over 3 years ago, Terri Houtz
King and Queen
Change on Senior Night 2021
over 3 years ago, Terri Houtz
Senior Night Friday, January 29
EHS Lady Cats are the 2021 Hi Plains League Champs.
over 3 years ago, Terri Houtz
HPL 2020 and 2021 champs!