COVID Update October 20, 2021
  • No visitors will be allowed in school buildings.  ALL visitors must use the intercom systems in place with the building secretary.
  • Schools will continue to allow for social distancing large groups (lunch, classrooms, etc.) as needed and recommended by state and local county health officials. Ozone Air purifiers are available in every classroom. 
  • Schools will continue to recommend and encourage consistent handwashing and/or sanitizing practices along with the “Cover your Cough” protocol. 
  • Schools will maintain a regular cleaning schedule that will include the cleaning, sanitizing, and disinfecting of surfaces and facilities. Electrostatic disinfecting will continue to be utilized in all buildings and classroom windows can be opened for additional ventilation.
  • Schools will continue to work with the school nurse and Morton County health officials to handle any contact tracing, isolation and quarantine issues. Decisions will be made in conjunction with current state and local guidelines.
  • Schools will continue to temperature screen staff and students by using temperature Kiosk and handheld laser thermometers. Anyone who registers a temperature outside of the “normal” range will be isolated and referred to the school nurse.
  • Schools will continue to work with local county health officials regarding vaccination of school staff.  USD 218 will encourage vaccination and will provide information from state and local county health officials regarding vaccination.
  • Schools will continue and maintain appropriate accommodations for students with disabilities based on student’s specific health concerns.  Special education services will be provided consistent with each student’s Individualized Education Plan (IEP). 
  • USD 218 will continue to monitor county and local infection numbers as they are provided by health officials.  Communication and decisions will be a collaborative effort. 

Thank you for your help and understanding.